Talks: Designing hands-on tools for social innovation

A practical view on Sustainist Design


Fab City Campus
javakade 201, 1019 SZ Amsterdam

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Sustainist design, what is it and how does it work? In this event designers and researchers share their experiences in applying sustainist design methodologies and the lessons they learned. The Sustainist Design Toolkit (currently in the beta phase) offers hands-on tools that help professionals and non-professionals of all backgrounds to develop and execute projects in and with communities.
Developing this toolkit contributes to the growing movement for designing our living environments in more collaborative, locally embedded, sustainable, and inclusive ways.


The programme starts with an introduction on Sustainist Design by Michiel Schwarz, author of Sustainism is the New Modernism: A Cultural Manifesto for the Sustainist Era and co-author (with Diana Krabbendam) of the Sustainist Design Guide, an exploratory guide that travels the new landscape of social design thinking and practice in this shifting cultural era.

Key players share personal experiences of co-designing that are based on the Sustainist Design Toolkit ‘in development’. The audience is welcomed to raise questions and give feedback on the toolkit, drinks are included.



Michiel Schwarz – Sustainism Lab, Diana Krabbendam – The Beach, Dana Ponec – Ponec de Winter, Richard Gerritsen – creative interventions Amsterdam, students at FabCity Campus, Luca Negro – The Beach / Makers Unite, Didi Aaslund and Floor Nagler – No Mad Makers, Lisa Hu – Terra Nova.